Otec: Dangerous Dario Caniwergi´s
m: Cool Boy You´re the Inspiration
- m: Devonshires French Harmony (m: Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive x f: Devonshires French Twist)
- f: Strongline´s Eye Candy (m: Mallorn´s Ursus Arctos x f: Strongline´s Kiss Kiss)
f: A´Destined ToVictory Caniwergi´s
- m: Carpeny Micah at Suttonpark (m: Suttonpark Manifesto x f: Carpeny Far and Above)
- f: Caramelle Cream Belle Moravia (m: Bradstone´s Under A Texas Moon x f: Awendy Belle Moravia)
Matka: Jadis Hubertova Leč
m: Bradston´s Blaze of Glory
- m: Ludalor Lunar Orbit (m: Amberstope Blue Moon x f: Ludalor Lilly)
- f: Bradston´s Que Sera (m: Tweedledum Crispy Duck x f: Guideline´s Copy the Cat)
f: Happy Elisabeth Hubertova Leč
- m: Billy The Brave Essention of Life (m: Carromer´s Hurricane Joe x f: Rosanan Just A Rose)
- f: Baylies Hubertova Leč (m: Iason od Klárky x f: Waterfriend Queenelisabeth)